Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Tomb Siti Fatimah binti Maimun - History of Islam in Indonesia

Image Courtesy: Tuti Julvianti
Tomb (Makam) of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun - 
Leran, Gresik, East Java - Indonesia 
9 mtrs long Graves at the entrance of the Tomb 
are of Raden Ahmad (Left) & Raden Said (Right)

Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain 

Name: Siti Fatimah binti Maimun
Other Names: Putri Retno Suari, Raden Ayu Mas Putri, Ms. Ayu Mas Putri, Ms. Ayu Mas Putri Retno Suari
Father’s Name: Sultan Maimun Hibbatullah (Sultan Mahmud Syah Alam) from Iran
Mother’s Name: Siti Aminah from Aceh  
Birth: Malacca in 1064 AD
Death: 8 Rojab 475 Hijriyah (2 Dec 1082 AD)
Age at time of Death: 18 yrs
Cause of death: due to Plague
Year of Arrival in Java: 1081 AD

Pedigree of Wali Songo Members and Long Tombs
Family Tree of Siti Fatimah - Sayyidinah Aminah
Abdul Malik Muhajir the 15th descendant of Ali bin Abi Talib
Image Cr:
She is a daughter of Sultan Maimun Hibbatullah (Sultan Mahmud Syah Alam) the 18th descendant of Rosulullah SAW and 17th descendant of Ali bin Abi Talib

The 17th century Cirebon historian Wangsakerta as the third prince of the palace even did a gotrasawala (family gathering) as an archipelago historian.

While tracing the lineage of the Sheikh (teacher) and Sultan descendants of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. who became a propagator of Islam in the Archipelago, Wangsakerta in gotrasawala in 1677 discussing with historians from Pasai, East Java, Cirebon, Arabic, Kudus, and Surabaya, as well as scholars from Banten.

He describes as: "Fatima binti Maimun was a girl who does not want to be locked up in the palace, like a bird who does not want to be locked up in a golden cage palace. She did not want to be married, did not want to be proposed by handsome young men of Kedah / Malacca, she was devoted to: "BALLIGHUU‘ ANNII WALAU AAYATAN (Hadith Shohih ‘An Ibnu Amar)", so she was determined to pray to the Archipelago."

From the words "BALLIGHUU", then the word "MUBALLIGH / MUBALLIGHOT" arises: the person who conveys. From there, if you want to be a missionary you don't need to memorize one book first, only one verse can already be done, that's a missionary name. Yes according to ability anyway, usually convey "Subhanallah" then conveyed, and even then the preacher's name.

Men are called muballighin, women are muballighot. And the person who becomes a muballighin / muballighot is definitely an Islamic fighter and if an Islamic fighter is certainly a Muslim, but if Muslims are not necessarily Islamic fighters. Many Muslims do have a position but do not become Islamic fighters. For those who are important themselves, his wife's children. Even though they have prayed, performed zakat, but they are not fighting for Islam, this is not an Islamic warrior. If an Islamic warrior, his authority, property, thought, are all fought for the propagation of Islam, that's the name of an Islamic warrior.

Legends said that ["Siti Fatima binti Maimun came to Indonesia in the X century with a group of 13 people. The 13 people of which 5 are female and the 8 are male They boarded a ship whose purpose was to promote Islam in the archipelago."]

These were the first missionaries in the X century before the 9 guardians (Sunans), so they were not only men who fought for Islam, but women also fought for Islam.

When departing, the preachers brought 3 ships, which at that time were still sailboats.
The first ship: Filled with food ingredients, goods, cooking utensils and others.
The second ship: Filled with weapons, perhaps to protect them from pirates on the way.
Third ship: Filled with preachers and scholars.

The ship that was boarded by the group of Fatima bint Maimun Hibbatullah was mounted with a green silk flag with verses of the Quran written on it that read:


This is the weapon of the preachers for promoting Islam in the Archipelago, namely the letter Ash-Shof verse number 13, which means:

"Nashrun Minallah": Help from Allah.
"Wafathun": And open.
"Qoriib": Is near.
"Wabasysyiril Mu'minin": And cheer up the believers.

So what is superior is "Nashrun Minallah" God's help. Because if the help from Allah comes, then surely "Fathun Qorib" an open road is near.
The dark one becomes bright.
The heavy ones become light.
The narrow one becomes roomy.
All obstacles will move aside, however many obstacles from the front, back, up, down, right, left but if you have received "Nashrun Minalloh", then all these obstacles can not obstruct you.

Then behind "Wabasysysiril Mu`minin", will definitely reach excitement. This is the basic weapon of the muballighin and muballighot.

Arrival and Early Family Migration

To explain the possibility of historical construction that took place during the Siti Fatimah binti Maimun, Agus Sunyoto in his work assessed that it is probable that the existence of the tomb of Fatimah binti Maimun is related to the massive migration of the Persians to the Archipelago in the 9th century AD. Information about the massive migration this Persian nation was delivered by SQ Fatimi in her work "Islam Comes to Malaysia", and also by Prof. Wan Hussein Azmi a Malaysian researcher and academic in one of his papers entitled "Islam in Aceh Entered and Developed until the Sixteenth Century". 

It is quite surprising indeed, because the 8th to 9th centuries AD was the golden century of the Abbasid Dynasty which had thousands of cities in Baghdad, Iraq. The period in which the flow of human mobility should enter Baghdad, not the other way around.

Apparently, the phenomenon of migration of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun's family to Indonesia is related to the events of the battle of Shiraz in 823 AD between Shiite groups supporting Imam Ali Ridho bin Musa Al Kazhim with the Abbasid Dynasty rulers. Shiite groups suffered considerable losses and losses in this battle. Since then the hunt for Shia groups began to be carried out intensively throughout the Abbasid Dynasty. As a result, many of these Shiite groups chose to leave their homeland, and find a safe place to start a new life. Some of them went to Hadramaut, Yemen, and some went to the East, to India and the Archipelago.

Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 25/01/2020

According to Prof. Wan Hussein Azmi, at around the beginning of the ninth century AD, at least, there were three Persian families who came to various regions in Indonesia and formed clans in the country. First, the Lor or Lur family, who live in East Java. They established the settlement Lor, known as Lorin, Loran or Leran which means the people of Lor. They are expected to arrive in the era of the kingdom of Nasiruddin Ibn Badr who ruled the Lor region, Iran around 912 AD or 300 Hijri. Second, the Jawani family who lives in Pasai, Aceh. This family compiled Jawi khat which means Jawi writing attributed to Jawani. They had ruled in Iran around the year 913 AD or 301 Hijri. Third, the Shiite family who founded the village known as "Siak", then developed into Nagari Siak, which was given the name "Siak Seri Inderapura". It is estimated that they came in the reign of Ruknuddaulah Ibn Hasan Ibn Buwaih Al-Dailami around 969 AD.

From the data about the arrival time of the Lor Tribe, Agus Sunyoto then linked the evidence of archaeological excavations and inscriptions to the grave grave of Fatimah binti Maimun. According to him, it is probable that Fatimah binti Maimun, who died on Friday, Rajab, in 475 H / 1082 AD, was not the first generation of Persian immigrants, but a local-born woman descended from the early settlers of the Lor Tribe who lived in Loran and Leran since the century. 10th AD. 

After a long journey with great difficulty and with great hopes that depend on Nashrun Minallah, finally the group arrived at the bustling port of Ujung Galuh (now Surabaya) which at that time in the territory of the Kingdom of Jenggala (established in 1042, and ended in 1135, in power in northern East Java).
Boundary Wall of the Tomb and Graveyard Complex
Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain. circa 28/12/2019
From the harbor, the muballighin / muballighot entourage continued westward to a place now called Desa Leran, Manyar, Gresik. It was here that the group of Muballighin and Muballighot was settled, and began to pioneer the Islamic struggle in East Java.

The main teachings of Islam that will be promoted by Fathima binti Maimun are the Sentences of Tawheed, Sentences of Taqwa, Sentences of Thoyyibah namely LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH which in the Quran is compared to a tree since; the teachings of Islam are like an example of a good tree, then surely a good tree needs to be planted properly. 

Before the Thoyyibah tree was planted in the souls of the people of this archipelago, the place needs to be cultivated first, the Javanese term of making land that is already plowed, and then the grass is thrown and given water to sow seeds.
And the seeds that are sown are Tawheed seeds. That's why the name of the village is called Leran. And it is a place to plant and, cultivate rice. In the Hadith, the believer is like rice.


Meaning: Said Rasulullah SAW: The parable of a believer is like rice, very straight and very bent.
Rice plants, if there are no contents, then look up, but after there are contents, then ducking, the contents are more ducking, added tawadhu ', added prostration, added taqwa to Allah SWT.

In other words, the Lor tribal people who later settled in Leran Village seemed to succeed in assimilating with the surrounding community and getting a sufficiently recognized position in the area. This can be seen from how they treat the graves of children of Lor tribe descendants, one of which is the tomb of Fatimah binti Maimun whose inscriptions remain intact to this day.

Furthermore, Agus Sunyoto in his book also analyzed the results of archaeological excavations in Leran Hamlet, Pesucian Village, Manyar, Gresik, around the grave complex of Fatimah binti Maimun in the form of ceramic bowls which probably originated in the 10th and 11th centuries AD. 

According to him, from this evidence it can be assumed that in the vicinity there lived a community of traders who had networks with China in the north and India in the south and the Middle East. According to the Archaeological Research Report at the Pesucian Site, Manyar District (1994-1996), Leran in the past was indeed an urban and commercial settlement. In addition, there is evidence that in the region the Persians had settled, not far to the southeast of Leran there was the Village of Rum, which according to the oral tradition of the local community, the name of the village came from the residing of five Rum (Persians) in that place during the period ago.

And surprisingly enough, it is thought that Fatimah binti Maimun was a leader, or at least a nobleman who had a high position in society. The word ash-Syahidah written in the inscription can be interpreted as 'female martyr victims' as Muhammad Yamin interpreted, but according to Agus Sunyoto, this word can also be interpreted as 'female leader'. This is also possible that made the grave of Fatimah binti Maimun made more special than the graves of other people at that time.

Road Entrance Gated Signage from Gresik - Tuban Highway
to the Tomb
Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti circa 28/12/2019

Before Siti Fatimah binti Maimun made a meltdown on the soul of the local population, Siti Fatima first approached the local people. To approach the local community, she was called by the king of Brawijaya as Dewi Ratna Swari, so: she is also known as Siti Fatimah binti Maimun bin Hibbatullah Dewi Ratna Swari.

Dewi is for Goddess used for female just like for male is god. Ratna is a jewel, Swari is a voice for women, as for a man is called Swara. So Dewi Ratna Swari means a woman whose voice contains wisdom jewels.

Preaching of Islam

When preaching in the Leran area she was proposed by the King Brawijaya, a Buddhist king, who intended to get married to her if her group led by Sultan Mahmud Syah Alam wants him to accept Islam. 
Fatimah binti Maimun Hibbatullah is a preacher who came to the archipelago to preach Islam. When she was proposed by the King, she did not want to accept the proposal, because if it was a matter only for marriage, then in Cermain there would be no shortage of wise and good men for marriage. Because the purpose of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun is solely to preach Islam expecting the Divine Ridho. And for that purpose she had left to leave her property and palace, so cannot be accepted till the king accepts the message of Islam as his faith.


Shaykh Maulana Malik Ibrahim and Sultan Mahmud arrived safely in Leran, some of them were resting and some were fixing the boat because it would be used by Sultan Mahmud Syah Alam to return to the Cermain as being a king he could not leave his kingdom for much longer, While Shaykh Maulana Malik Ibrahim and Sayyid Ja`far were given the mandate by Sultan Mahmud to educate Aminah's Sayyidinah (Siti Fatimah) to explore religious knowledge in Leran and to plan the continuation of efforts to invite King Brawijaya to convert to Islam. Sutan Mahmud's departure back to Cermain was not accompanied by all his soldiers but only a portion of his bodyguards while; rest were ordered to protect his daughter who was left in Leran.

Not long after the departure of Sultan Mahmud it turned out that in Leran there was an outbreak of a malignant disease and quite a number were also affected, including Sayyidinah Aminah (Siti Fatimah), who eventually died and was buried in Leran.

The incident about the death of Aminah's daughter was heard by the King Brawijaya, so the king rushed to Leran to mourn because the king had already put his heart to Ptri Aminah, so the king intended to commemorate her by making a shelter in the tomb of the beloved Princess Aminah, remembering the beauty of Princess Aminah, the king called her "Princess Dewi Dewi Retno Suari", then the people also called her by various names which they said were easy to pronounce: someone called Raden Ayu Mas Putri, Ms. Ayu Mas Putri, Ms. Ayu Mas Putri Retno Suari.

Grave of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun
Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 25/01/2020

Grave of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun
Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 25/01/2020

Grave of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun
Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 25/01/2020
Regarding the bud building on the tomb of Princess Aminah bint Mahmud Syah Alam, who was not given the roof because according to philosophers because Princess Aminah was not married and only recently proposed by the King of Brawijaya, that too was rejected because it was only as the king's strings attached to Islam.

Wbah disease that attacks Leran is To'un or pestilence, so because of the malignancy of the disease, it is as if many people die with the same time and the funeral is scattered in many places in the Leran region, this can be found until now.

Unfortunately, Fatima binti Maimun Hibbatullah Dewi Ratna Swari did not preach for long in Java, that is, after 2 years of living she became seriously ill for 7 days due to the widespread of plague virus in Leran area, and finally she passed away on Friday 8 Rojab 475 H / 3 December 1082 AD.

Death of Siti Fatimah and King Brawijaya's attachment with Islam

Tax Free Land 

Raja Brawijaya still remembers the beauty of Princess Retno Suari, in such a situation, the king's thoughts could not think as usual, so that there were very few problems that bothered him to be sensitive. This was proven when he witnessed for himself that if the people of Leran and even Gresik, were almost entirely Muslim, he began to worry and even be afraid, if one day people who were weak because they felt inferior now became brave because they felt their ranks were not distinguished by caste, would rebel against Majapahit . So before returning to Majapahit, Raja Brawijaya stated that Leran Gresik was a land of perdikan, meaning that it was free of charge (tax) but remained part of the Majapahit region, while the one who received the government's surrender was Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim to govern the government under Gresik under Majapahit sovereignty. , was also given a message to continue to reconcile the people of the Muslim religion with his king, even though he was still Hindu. Even though the message had been delivered by Shaykh Maulana long before it was spoken by the king of Brawijaya to his students because it was in accordance with what was written in the Qur'an An-Nisa` verse 114.

Migration of Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim from Leran to Gresik

Shaykh Maulana Malik Ibrahim was famous for his expertise in the field of religion who was also an expert in the field of state administration and agriculture.

To achieve all this, Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim has succeeded, but success is not as easy as maintaining. For that, Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim tried to divert the attention of the people of Leran so that he could not remember his past. it happened in 1387 AD.

The Shaykh Maulana Malik Ibrahim left Leran because in Leran there is the "Bogem coral inscription" which is the Hindu shrine of "Rakeh Rangkuti".

According to historians that the Bogem reef is Mengarau Island, which means the extent of Leran is up to there, but in the area of ​​the Leran there is large pond also the name "Bogem Pond".

Meaning that there are two opinions about Bogem, the first opinion says Megare Island Kec. Gresik is rubbish because of its shape like a calluses or a small island but quite prominent when viewed from the sea like a rock. The second opinion is that the Bogem pond formerly was Bogem because the name Bogem is used today and is not far from Leran.


In its development the tomb of Fatimah binti Maimun continued to float in the current of time. Become a historical marker, and remain cared for by the community. A few centuries after the death of Fatimah binti Maimun, Leran Village was placed in a special position by later powers. This can be viewed from the toponym aspect, where the names of the hamlets around the tomb of Fatimah binti Maimun show that this region was given its own specificity in the past. Toponym Wangen (boundary), Pasucian (place of purification), penganden (Place of nobles), Kuti (Buddhist monastery), and Daha (reddish) show that the area around the tomb complex is a special area with shima status that is tax free and respected by the people. 

In the 13th century, when Hindu-Buddhist communities controlled the area, Leran Village was still preserved and treated with respect. This can be proven from the Leran inscription which can now be seen at the Jakarta National Museum. This inscription comes from the 13th century AD, made of copper, and was written using ancient Javanese. In this inscription it is stated that the village of Leran is a tax-exempt land (sima ri leran), where a part of the population is traders. It was also mentioned in the inscription, that there is a sacred place called batwan which in that place resides "the holy soul Rahyang Kutik".

When viewed from the time, namely the 13th century AD, was the era of the government of Singasari and Majapahit, who were adherents of Hindu-Buddhist religion. But strangely, no former temple was found which was usually made to mark the Hindu holy places. According to Agus Sunyoto, it is probable that the "batwan shrine" in question is the grave of Fatimah binti Maimun. And Rahyang Kutik's holy spirit is none other than the great spirit of Fatimah binti Maimun.

Fatimah binti Maimun Hibbatullah Dewi Ratna Swari is buried in her da'wah area, which is now called Leran Village, Manyar District, Gresik, East Java. Her tomb is built in shape of cupola (traditional architectural design of tombs in Java from Majapahit era) with walls and roof made of ancient white stone. The shape of the cupola tomb is similar to the shape of a Javanese temple.
Tomb and Graveyard complex
Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 28/12/2019
The building or house to protect it is also called a cupola, while the Lungk cupola is a legacy of the King Brawijaya in memory of Putri Retno Suari. The original form without the top roof and what can be seen today is the improvement carried out by the East Java Archaeological Heritage Preservation Hall (BP3), based in Trowulan, Mojokerto.

The cupola is rectangular in shape with a conical limasan roof. The base and structure of the building are decorated with square seams. The walls are thick, with a narrow room. This cupola is the main and largest building in the tomb complex. From this cupola, the surrounding community views Siti Fatimah binti Maimun as having an important position in her lifetime.

Cupola Structure built by King Brawijaya (Tomb of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun)
Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain

Cupola Structure built by King Brawijaya (Tomb of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun)
Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain

Entrance to the Tomb of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun
Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain

The material built is limestone which is similar to the original one obtained from the Aceh market. The original form of the cupola building can be found in the Sunan Giri Gresik Museum located in the Sunan Maulana Malik Ibrahim pilgrimage vehicle parking lot.

Historical evidences which shows that this place is considered sacred and glorified during Hindu-Buddhist rulers were in power, is the structure of the tomb itself. The grave of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun is located in a square cupola with an area of ​​4 × 6 M and height of 16 M. The cupola is made of limestone taken from the sacred mountain, Manyar. 

Unlike the guardian tomb buildings in general, the cupola of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun's tomb building is more like a temple in the Hindu-Buddhist era. It is probable that this building was made during the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom in control of the area. Because it was thus glorified and preserved, the rulers of that time built the structure of the temple to preserve it. That said, the cupola was built by a Buddhist king who wanted to marry Siti Fatimah.

In the cupola of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun's grave there are 5 graves, and the most special grave is the one covered by a green curtain, which is considered the tomb of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun. The other four were believed to be the tombs of Siti Fatimah's maids or sisters, namely Putri Seruni, Putri Keling, Putri Kucing (from Sarawak Malaysia) and Putri Kamboja (from Cambodia). 

Given the temple-shaped cupola itself was built only a few centuries after the death of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun, or during the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom ruled Leran. This means that the grouping of tombs was based on the assumptions of the surrounding community who lived several centuries after Siti Fatimah binti Maimun died. In addition, the names of the princess in question are not listed in the inscription as the name Fatimah binti Maimun. And when viewed from its authority, their names are quite in contrast to the name of Fatimah binti Maimun who has very Islamic authority.

In addition there are two doors to the tomb, the first entrance to the tomb yard and the second door into the tomb. The two doors are so low, that it requires the person who passes by to bow down, bow like a bow in the prayer. The low door is a sign that people buried in the tomb are people who are experts in tawadhu 'to Allah SWT.

In the Hadith explained: 'MAN TAWADLO’A LILLAHI ROFA’AHULLAH' 
Meaning: Whoever turns on tawadhu 'to Allah SWT then Allah SWT raises his status.

The gravestone of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun is decorated with khot kufi-style calligraphy sculptures.
On the tombstone there is a letter written in Kufi (Arabic), and is known as the Leran Tombstone. The naming is based on where the tombstone was found, namely Leran Village.

The tombstone findings are one of the archaeological data regarding the existence of the first Muslim community in the north coast of East Java. The Kufi style shows that among the settlers in the coastal area, there were people from the Middle East and that they were also traders, because gravestones with similar Kufi styles were also found in Phanrang, southern Champa (Vietnam). The Champa-East Java trade relationship was part of the 11th-century coastal Muslim community's trade routes that stretched in southern China, India and the Middle East.

Women's Tombs

The Princesses buried in the Cupola include:

Putri Seruni (Nyai seruni) which is located in the easternmost side, she is a lady-in-waiting, Another opinion says that she is caring for Putri Retno Suari, the reason is that the views of her grave are not parallel to the three ladies in the west of Putri retno Suari.

Grave of  Putri Seruni (Nyai seruni)
Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 25/01/2020

Dewi Retno Suari, the main inhabitant of Cungkup
Putri Kucing is a lady-in-waiting from the capital of Sarawak in eastern Malaysia, Kalimantan island
Grave of Putri Kucing
Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 25/01/2020

Putri Keling - Rivet princess
Grave of Putri Keling
Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain

Putri Kamboja is a lady-in-waiting from Cambodia.
Grave of Putri Kamboja
Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 25/01/2020

Inscriptions found on Leran Tombstone:

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, kullu man ‘alaiha fanin wa yabqa wajhu rabbika dzul jalali wal ikram. Hadza qabru syahidah Fatimah binti Maimin bin Hibatallah, tuwuffiyat fi yaumi al-Jumah…. min Rajab wa fi sanati khamsatin wa tis’ina wa arba’ati min ‘atin ila rahmat (sebagian orang membaca “wa tis’ina” dengan “wa sab’ina”) Allah… shadaqallah al-azhim wa rasulihi al-karim.

Indonesian Translation:

Tulisan pado nisan tadiri dari tujuah barih, barikuik iko adolah bacaan J.P. Moquette nan ditajamahan dek Muh. Yamin, sbb.:
Atas nama Tuhan Allah Yang Maha Penyayang dan Maha Pemurah
Tiap-tiap makhluk nan hidup di atas bumi itu adalah bersifat fana
Tetapi wajah Tuhan-mu nan bersemarak dan gemilang itu tetap kekal adanya
Inilah kuburan wanita nan menjadi kurban syahid bernama Fatimah binti Maimun
Putera Hibatu'llah nan berpulang pada hari Jumiyad ketika tujuh
Sudah berlewat bulan Rajab dan pada tahun 475
Yang menjadi kemurahan Tuhan Allah Yang Maha Tinggi
Bersama pula Rasulnya Mulia
Barih 1 marupoan basmalah, sadang barih 2-3 marupoan kutipan Surah Ar-Rahman ayaik 25-26, nan umum dalam epitaf umaik Muslim, tarutamo di Masia.

English Translation:

The headstone inscription consists of seven lines, the following is a JP Moquette reading which was translated by Muh. Yamin , as follows:
On behalf of God, the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious
Every living thing on earth is mortal
But the glorious and glorious face of your Lord remains eternal
This is the grave of a woman who was a shaheed victim named Fatimah bint Maimun
The daughter of Hibatu'llah who passed away on the day of Jumiyad when seven
It was past the month of Rajab and in 475
That is the mercy of God, the Most High
Along with His Excellency His Majesty
Line 1 is basmalah while line 2-3 is a quote from Surah Ar-Rahman verses 25-26, which is common in Muslim epitaphs, especially in Egypt.

Removal of Tombstones

The removal of tombstones so that the tombs appear to be long, was only carried out by the Leran elders and santri when the Dutch invaders ruled in Java and the Archipelago, this was also done by residents around Leran, such as the Manyar, Peganden and Telogo Tombs Jero Leran or elsewhere.

Precautions for entrance:

Entering the tomb one must cover the head and footwear must be removed, this not only mean that the tomb complex is sacred but it is also a sign that the buried human beings are people whose hearts, souls, are truly clean in serving Allah SWT. 

Makam Panjang (Long Graves)

             9 mtrs Long Graves of the three prominent preachers
             Sayid Jafar (Centre), Sayid Kharim (Left), Sayid Syarif (Right)
Uncles of Siti Aminah binti Mahmud
         Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 28/12/2019

In addition to the tomb in this main building, there is also a unique tomb outside the cupola, the tomb of guard Fatimah binti Maimun. The tombs are nine meters long and is commonly known with the name of "long tomb." The tomb length is a metaphor for the length of  devoted time to spread Islam on Java and a message to people on pilgrimage to connect the cause of the burial. 

The long tomb according to philosophers means: there is still a long journey to be carried out by Muslim missionaries to promote Islam in Java starting from Leran and this message was conveyed by Sultan Mahmud which was continued by Sayyid Ja`far for his successor generation.

Another opinion about the long grave is that it used to be the tombs that were not long and the size of the tombs, because for the sake of safety from the hands of black magic then by the santri, the tombs of his teacher were disguised by being extended so that if anyone would dig (for Black magic purposes) to be fooled into not copying it.

Interestingly also, around the grave of Fatimah binti Maimun there are quite a lot of graves of other Muslims. Some of the most noticeable 8 long tombs consisting of 6 graves measuring 9 meters long and 2 graves measuring 6 meters long. The owners of the 8 long tombs are: 

  1. Sayid Jafar, (Uncle)
  2. Sayid Kharim, (Uncle)
  3. Sayid Syarif, (Uncle and Military Commander)
  4. Sayid Jalal, 
  5. Sayid Jamal, 
  6. Sayid Jamaluddin, (3rd Guard and Ordinance Care Taker)
  7. Raden Ahmad, (1st Guard)
  8. Raden Said. (2nd Guard and Receptionist)
Sayid Jafar was the brother of Sultan Mahmud Syah Alam who was also the uncle of Princess Retno Suari or Siti Fatimah binti Maimun choosing to stay in Leran while Sheikh Maulan Malik Ibrahim moved to Kampung Gapuro, because Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim was their leader and teacher, while Sayyid Jafar's job was to keep guard and maintain Islam in Leran, with its other relatives.

Sayyid Ja`far was in Leran until the end of his life and he even guarded the long grave area, said to be now in his Ghoib realm. Sayyid Ja`far in defending Islam in Leran certainly cannot be separated from the support of his followers both from Leran Snediri and from his relatives from Cermain, among them: Sayyid Karim, Sayyid Syarif who are also a family of Sultan Mahmud Syah Alam.

Third, he is in his body in a long-shaped tomb and buried because they are one family and they remain in one environment.
2 Long Graves of 9 meters of probably
Sayid Jalal (L) & Sayid Jamal (R)
Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 28/12/2019

Entrance to the Tombs of 
Sayid Jafar (centre), Sayid Kharim (left), Sayid Syarif (right)
Three are the Uncles of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun
Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 28/12/2019

Tomb of Sayid Jamaluddin
6 mtrs long grave
Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti
and Fahad Hussain
circa 28/12/2019
Sayyid Jamaluddin (He is the third guard who also gets the task of taking care of heirlooms and war equipment which he bought from Cermain). Once upon a time historians say that the heirlooms include gravestones with the name Siti Fatimah binti Maimun bin Hibatallah who died in 1082 AD which according to the characteristics of the stone came from Gujarat India.

Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 28/12/2019

Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 28/12/2019
The people in the tomb in a long grave include:

Sayyid ja`far is the brother of Sultan Mahmud who received the mandate to guard Aminah binti Mahmud Syah Alam.

Sayyid Karim is a family or brother who replaced the sultan Mahmud's position in Leran, in the sense that if Leran was a kingdom, then Sayyid Karim would be his king.

Sayyid Syarif, he was the commander of the war or the highest commander in the kingdom of Cermain who was also the brother of Sultan Mahmud Syah. He was assigned to Leran because Sultan Mahmud Syah was more worried about his daughter so he was not invited to return to Cermain.
Image Credits: Tuti Julvianti
and Fahad Hussain circa 28/12/2019
These long tombs were made in groups, and given special restrictions. It is not clear why the grouping is based on the level of glory, or based on the time of their death. But three of the 8 long tombs, seemed to be grouped more specifically than the others. The three tombs are owned by Sayid Jafar, Sayid Kharim, Sayid Syarif (the three of them are Siti Fatimah's uncle).

Raden Ahmad and Raden Sa`id (He is both a gatekeeper who also acts as a receptionist). According to the ordinances the pilgrims should enter the Long Tomb through the southern entrance, because that is where the main entrance and exit of guests is guarded by Raden Ahmad and Raden Sa`id.

6 mtrs long Grave of Raden Said
Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 25/01/2020 

6 mtrs long Grave of Raden Ahmad
Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 25/01/2020 

Note: The removal of tombstones so that the tombs appear to be long, was only carried out by the Leran elders and santri when the Dutch invaders ruled in Java and the Archipelago, this was also done by residents around Leran, such as the Manyar, Peganden and Telogo Tombs Jero Leran or elsewhere.

Discovery and Restoration

Initially, the first person to discover and read the inscription of Leran Tombstone was a Dutch researcher named JP Moquette in 1911, which was at that time Java during the Dutch colonial period.
When it was first discovered, the condition of the tomb was very worrying. The roof was collapsed and was in dilapidated state. Then Paul Ravaisse (a French national) made some improvements to it.

After the independence of Indonesia from Dutch colonial rule, the tomb was then re-examined by Muhammad Yamin in a study conducted by Muhammad Yamin also concluded that the numbers or titimangsa in the headstone of Fatimah bint Maimun was dated 475 H or 1082 AD, as the year of Fatimah bint Maimun's death.
During the time of Muhammad Yamin's research, the former grave area of ​​Fatimah Binti Maimun was a public burial place.

However, since 1973 or when the tomb site of Fatimah Binti Maimun was taken over by the Archaeological Heritage Preservation Hall (BP3) of East Java, the tomb area is no longer allowed to be a public cemetery, the Government then made it a cultural heritage site.

Legend of Pomegranate and Sayyid Ja'far

The development of Islam in Leran increasingly extended to the surrounding villages to the village of Roomo and even Gresik, in this situation arises a sense of worry in Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim because some residents who are around Leran Gresik are Muslim while Gresik belongs to the Majapait kingdom whose king is still a Hindu who is still in power.

To find a way out he sent a letter to King Cermain, who had long been his best friend, which meant to be invited to Majapahit and to invite the king of Brawijaya to Islam, because by the inclusion of the king of Brawijaya in Islam would be able to prevent the possibility of the king's arbitrary treatment of the people of Gresik who had already convert to Islam.

In accordance with the contents of Syekh Maulana Malik Ibrahim's letter, a group from the country of Cermain came, including Raja Sultan Mahmud Alam Syah and his daughter named Aminah and 88 soldiers and guards including: Sayyid Ja`far, Sheikh Sharif, Sheikh Karim.

Their entourage rode on 3 boats that leaned on the port of Pangalan (the closest port to Leran) and met with Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim and planned everything, the event that occurred in 1371 AD.

The agreement was obtained by sending 2 messengers to go to Majapahit and as a tribute the pomegranate was given to the King of Brawijaya, including the envoy, Sayyid Ja`far. Sayyid Ja`far is the brother of Sultan Mahmud Syah Alam.

Upon arrival the two envoys in Majapahit were welcomed by the Patih but were not welcomed by the king of Brawijaya even though the king had nothing to do (being relaxed). For Sayyid Ja`far the important task of delivering a message (letter) was carried out, then returned to Leran. The contents of the letter is none other than that the group from Leran will come to Majapahit.

When two Leran envoys had left Majapahit but Raja Brawijaya was still engrossed in his habit of "Nginang" (chewing betel leaves), but the custom this time ended uncharacteristically that the body of the king of Brawijaya became uneasy and his mouth was like Jontor and felt bitter and so on, in Under such circumstances the king sent his servants to find fruit as a mouth wash but nothing was successful and then called the governor with the intention to find fruit as well, because the patih had Pomegranate gifts from the Leran messenger then delivered the Pomegranate and immediately split it.

Next to the pomegranate, the palace atmosphere was changed, because of the peculiarity of the pomegranate, which was not contained like a pomegranate in general, but contained diamonds.

With that incident the King asked Patih (Prime Minister) from where the fruit was obtained, Patih answered that the fruit was given by Leran's messenger who gave the news that a group would come to Majapahit from Leran led by Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim and Sultan Mahmud Syah Alam.

The king told the Patih to call the envoy but was told that the two Leran envoys had returned to Leran, but the King wanted to be followed, then the Patih went after the emissary and met somewhere and found the envoy resting, then the king's message was delivered that the Leran messenger was asked to returned to Majapahit.

The two envoys, among them Sayyid Ja`far, refused to return to Majapahit and told him that King Brawijaya would meet at the resting place and be awaited by the two envoys, so that the waiting place was known as Menganti.

I wonder what happened in Majapahit to the point that King Brawijaya did not come, because the waiting limit had ended, the Leran messenger continued to return to Leran.

On the way to Leran there was a confusing event that one of the messengers disappeared, and the other searched but as if passing through a circular path but by praying to Allah, the problem could easily be overcome. So from that event the place was known as "Bunder".

The next trip, the two envoys passed the edge of the river so that their feet were trampled on clay and stuck to the soles of their feet, as if asking like transporting the island then they stopped the feet and clay that clung to the feet (Javanese = "Dibal") was thrown and fell into a pool of water so it looked like an island (Javanese = "Pulo") and now the place is known as "Tebalo".

The Leran messenger still continues his journey and to be able to get to Leran must find out where to go to Leran. Then the next way is to go up the mountain and look down (in Javanese = "ngungak") after ngungak from the top of the mountain, then the mountain is called "Mount Pengungaan" and is now known by the name "Mount Pongangan".

From the top of the mountain Sayyid Ja`far can see Mount Giri and with the guidance of Allah SWT. He can feel that someday among his descendants or family there will be the glory of that place with the greatness of the name ‘Islam’. 

Legends vs the Historians

Historians version 

Some opinions say that these tombs are the graves of relatives, and also the uncle of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun. But according to archaeological studies, these tombs are much younger than the graves of Fatimah binti Maimun. The decorative patterns in the tombs indicate that the tomb dates back to the 16th century AD. In this regard, Agus Sunyoto connects the existence of these tombs with Islamic da'wah carried out by Syeik Maulana Malik Ibrahim in the last quarter of the 14th century AD and the early quarter of the 15th century AD. 

Narrated Syeik Maulana Malik Ibrahim when he first arrived in Java, he settled in Sembalo Village in Leran Hamlet. In this place he spread Islam and eventually formed an Islamic community. After establishing a strong religious foundation in the village of Leran, he then proceeded to continue his journey to Gresik. It is not explained why the first Walisongo chose Leran as his first place of pilgrimage. Possibly because of the historical closeness between Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim and Siti Fatimah binti Maimun who was her niece. But clearly, it is a pride for the newly established Muslim community by Syeik Maulana Malik Ibrahim buried around the grave area of ​​Fatimah binti Maimun, who was the ancestor that they glorified. 

A Local history version by the original descendant of the caretakers (key keepers of the tomb)

According to H Hasyim Ali, the caretaker of the tomb, Siti Fatimah, also known as Putri Retno Suwari was born in Malacca in 1064 AD. Her father's name was Maimun (Sultan Mahmud Syah Alam) from Iran. While her mother named Siti Aminah came from Aceh. Maimun himself is a cousin of Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Sunan Gresik) so, Siti Fatimah Bint Maimun is a nephew of Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim. 

That said, Siti Fatimah came to Java on the orders of Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim to spread Islam in the land of Java. According to H. Hasyim Ali, the caretaker of the tomb, it was not Siti Fatimah who first came to Java, but Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim. Sheikh Maulana Malik set foot on the land of Java around the years 1079-1080, while Siti Fatimah followed later in 1081. 

When coming to the land of Java, Siti Fatimah Bint Maimun was only 17 years old. The arrival of Siti Fatimah itself was intended to spread Islam through marriage. At that time, Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim intended to marry Siti Fatimah with a Buddhist king. Because at first Sheikh Maulana Malik had difficulty spreading Islam in a society that was still strongly influenced by Hindu-Buddhism. Siti Fatimah did not come alone to Java. 

She was accompanied by his father, mother, and entourage consisting of relatives and followers of Maimun or Sultan Mahmud Syah Alam. It's just that, before the mission was carried out, Siti Fatimah died first due to a plague that struck the Leran area and its surroundings at that time. Siti Fatimah died on 7 Rajab 475 Hijriyah (2 December 1082 AD) or when she was 18 years old. Along with 4 of his court ladies, Siti Fatimah died while still a virgin.

The 15th of Shawwal or 15 days after the feast is set as the haul of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun. The date was taken from the discovery of the tomb. According to H Hasyim Ali, the tomb of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun was only discovered 4 centuries after the year of her death. "So, (haul Siti Fatimah) is not the date of her death, but the date of her tomb's discovery," said H Hashim Ali The first tomb key man named Mbah Legi. He became the caretaker of the tomb around the 16th century. Tomb key keeper held for generations. The current key clerk, H Hashim Ali, is the 7th descendant of the first caretaker.

Some Information: 

Siti Fatimah binti Maimun died in 1082 AD according to the inscriptions on the tombstone, which was found loose and not stuck in the ground but was leaning on the wall lid, meaning it was unknown where the tomb was.

Retno Suari's daughter was Aminah binti Mahmud Syah Alam who was buried in the cupola, while the cupola was made by the king of Brawijaya who came to power after 1350 AD.

The conclusion:

That between Fatimah bint Maimun and Aminah bint Mahmud Syah Alam are two different people, if there is a key interpreter or historian to tell the story he had been proposed by the king of Brawijya then what was meant was Aminah bint Mahmud Syah Alam, later known as Dewi Retno Suari.

Entire Village is full of Graves
Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti
and Fahad Hussain
circa 25/01/2020

The origin of the name Leran

Various opinions about the name Leran include:

Ler-leran (place to hold) is the place where Islam was first spread or held on a large scale by Jami`iyah Wali Songo, pioneered by Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim.

Lerean (the stop) was the first time Shaykh Maulana Malik Ibrahim stopped his journey to broadcast Islam on Java.

Ler (north), because there are two similar buildings located in the south (kidapan) and the main part (leran), the building is a Leran cupola whose construction was not continued until the temple was shaped by the king of Brawijaya.

Personal Experience

The historical tomb complex still need lot of development and maintenance work. The place during rainy season is usually infested by under growth of bamboo, shrubs or bushes, and mosquitoes in some quarters which needs an immediate pest control exercise especially; near Makam Panjang and inside the Cupola. 

The grave tombstones must be refurbished with new finishing and painted inscriptions. The approach road near the main Tuban-Gresik highway needs proper road signage for the visitors or tourists to guide them towards the Tomb. 

The complex lacks the information signage which highlights some information and guidance for visitors. 

Wallahualam bi sawab …

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Entrance to Tomb of Sunan Geseng Tuban Image Cr: Tuti Julvianti and Fahad Hussain circa 25/01/2020 Name:  Raden Mas Ki Cokrojoyo - Su...